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HIGHLIGHTS COMPACT SIZE ELECTRONIC FILTER FEL SYSTEM STANDARD ELECTRONIC ENGINE STANDARD NEW PREFILTRATION WITH 3 WASHABLE STAGE Expansion Electronic offers the new range of exhaust Filtration units for kitchens with compact size, especially suitable for installation in small kitchens in historic centers: ECOLIGHT. The FEL System filter installed as standard has been specifically designed for the removal of pollutants such as oil mist and vapors thanks to pointed collection blades that allow the capture and drop down high quantities of oily pollutant downwards. Energy Saving is guaranteed...
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HIGHLIGHTS DIMENSIONI COMPATTE FILTRO ELETTRONICO FEL SYSTEM DI SERIE MOTORE ELETTRONICO di serie NUOVA PREFILTRAZIONE A 3 STADI LAVABILE CARBONE ATTIVO DI COCCO/BAMBU’ GRANULARE EFFETTO IGIENICO ED ANTIBATTERICO GARANTITO Expansion Electronic presenta sul mercato la nuova gamma di unità filtranti per cucine con dimensioni compatte, adatta soprattutto all’installazione nelle piccole cucine dei centri storici: ECOLIGHT. Il filtro FEL System installato di serie è stato progettato appositamente per l’abbattimento di inquinanti quali nebbie e vapori oleosi grazie a lame di captazione appuntite...
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TECHNICAL FEATURES As you can see from the table below, Expansion Electronic provides different models based on: ^ Airflow required ^ Overall dimensions ^ Components installed inside according to customer needs. PF METAL: Metal mesh prefilter FEL: Electrostatic filter FEL system FAN: Fan LAB: Labyrinth filter FI: Ionization cell FX: Ozonation cell CARBOPACK: 2,5/5kg Active carbon filter CARBOX: Box with active carbon filters 26/52 kg
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CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE Come potete vedere dalla tabella sottostante, Expansion Electronic fornisce diversi modelli in base a: ^ Portata d'aria richiesta ^ Dimensioni d'ingombro ^ Componenti installati all'interno in base alle necessità del cliente. PF METAL: Prefiltro in maglia metallica FEL: Filtro elettrostatico FEL system FAN: Ventilatore LAB: Filtro a labirinto FI: Cella ionizzante FX: Cella ozonizzante CARBOPACK: Filtro a carbone attivo da 2,5/5kg CARBOX: Box con filtri a carbone attivo 26/52 kg
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Safety microswitch with separate actuator. Microinterruttore di sicurezza con attuatore separato. Electrostatic precipitator for oil and fat. FEL SYSTEM model, high efficiency performance with 230V electrical supply. Filtro elettrostatico per oli modello FEL SYSTEM ad alta efficienza. 230V. Labyrinth filter that guarantees the blockage of further possible drops of oil. It is placed before and after the ionization filter FI. Filtro a labirinto che garantisce il blocco di ulteriori possibili gocce d’olio. Viene posto prima e dopo la cella ionizzante FI. Ozonation cell FX, with plates that...
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ELECTROSTATIC FILTER FEL SYSTEM The FEL System electrostatic filter has been specifically designed for the removal of pollutants such as fumes, oil mist and vapors. It is characterized by: ✓ Pointed capture blades in the lower part that allow the capture and the dropping of high quantities fumes, oil mist and vapors pollutant downwards. ✓ Multi-polar connection system and installation by simple sliding on a filter holder frame. ✓ Standard ASHRAE dimensions that allow the retrofit with classic pocket filters according to the EN 15805. ✓ Low pressure drops almost constant over time, 62 Pa...
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BETTER AIR FOR A BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE EXPANSION ELECTRONIC S.R.L. Via delle Industrie, 18 36050 Cartigliano (VI) - Italy T +39 0424 592400 www.expansion-electronic.com info@expansion-electronic.com CEJTJ_AT ensemble, innover et valider
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