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/THE SPORTBOAT BY ITALIA YACHTS 10 Il team progettuale Italia Yachts, cantiere italiano produttore di lussuosi blue water cruiser, ha sviluppato e realizzato un progetto di Sportboat Fuoriserie della lunghezza di 34”, adeguandone le caratteristiche alle specifiche richieste della committenza. I modelli “Fuoriserie” si staccano dal normale range Italia Yachts in quanto per la loro progettazione vengono seguiti gli input dell’armatore che desidera costruire una barca custom; questo approccio consente al cantiere di esplorare spazi progettuali alternativi. Italia Yachts Venezia Via Maestri del...
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/PURPOSE This new boat is designed specifically for fun sailing and she is particularly dedicated to handicap racing (ORC and IRC) but without the preclusion of being used for short cruises. Great attention has been paid in order to create a fast boat but at the same time easy to sail and to get to maximum performance. The main objective has been to find the correct balance between the different kind of use, from windward-leeward races to offshore racing or cruising, obtaining a true all-round with an optimal balance between upwind and downwind performance both in light and strong winds....
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/DESIGN The design is the result of the work of Italia Yachts Chief Designer, the Naval Architect Matteo Polli, strong of the previous design experiences with the Italia Yachts range and the M37, one of the most successful boats in the ORCi history. Matteo Polli has been co-working with Matteo Ledri (one of the few Italian to be involved in the latest edition of the America’s Cup - CapeHornEngineering) for the computational fluid dynamics analysis and with the designer Kristian Macchiut (KMD) for the style of the interiors and deck. Il progetto è frutto dell’opera del Chief Designer di...
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/CONSTRUCTION Hull and deck are built in sandwich using PVC foam with different densities; skins consist of E-glass biaxial and unidirectional reinforcements impregnated with vinylester resin. The structural carbon reinforced frame integrates the floors and some parts of the interiors, creating a single structure which supports the loads of the mast, keel and shrouds. Hull and deck are finished in gelcoat and with antiskid on working areas. Scafo e coperta sono costruiti in sandwich con anime in PVC a densità variabile; le pelli sono costituite da rinforzi in vetro E biassiali e...
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/SAIL PLAN The sail plan has been designed in collaboration with a leader sailmakers brand that has employed the sophisticated proprietary software in order to study the proportions and the optimal size of the sails in relation to the other elements of the project. The result is a rig with low fractionality, generous not overlapping foresails with reasonable aspect ratio. The mainsail has a moderate square head with a considerable roach without the need to use double backstays or runners. There is the possibility to use spinnakers on pole particularly suited for racing around the buoys, or...
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/INTERIORS The interior layout consists in two cabins, one bathroom (aft) and the central saloon that incorporates the galley and chart table. The modern look is characterized by gelcoat surfaces and it is designed so that it can be functional in both racing and cruising situations. Some parts, such as cabinets are made of fabric and are removable to lighten the displacement in racing mode. The floorboards are made of marine plywood with antiskid. The two doors (bathroom and aft cabin) are equipped with aluminum frames to increase durability. The chart table is placed on the starboard side...
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Modello: Italia 9.98 fuoriserie Progetto: Matteo Polli / Italia Yachts Design Team / KMD Design Cantiere: Italia Yachts - Venezia Proprietà e management: Italia Yachts - Venezia Lunghezza fuori tutto: m 10,30 (con spoiler) Lunghezza scafo: m 9,98 Larghezza max: m 3,54 Pescaggio: m 1,90 Dislocamento: Kg 4.500 (ORC lightship) Area Randa: mq 38 Area Fiocco: mq 32 Area Spinnaker: mq 90 GPH ORC 2014 (stimato): 625 s/m Graphic Design: Nicola Brollo / Five Zone / Photo: Emanuel Richelmy Digital Print: September 2014 Model: Italia 9.98 fuoriserie Project: Matteo Polli / Italia Yachts Design Team /...
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Italia Yachts Venezia Via Maestri del Lavoro, 50 30015 Chioggia (Venezia) Italy tel +39 041 4967891 / fax +39 041 5543923 info@italiayachts.it
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 9Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche Italia Yachts
Italia 15.98 - Launch Brochure
21 Pagine
Italia 13.98 - Brochure
21 Pagine
Italia 12.98 - Pre Launch Brochure
16 Pagine
Italia 10.98 - Brochure
17 Pagine
Italia Yachts Range
7 Pagine
Cataloghi archiviati
4 Pagine
4 Pagine
17 Pagine
21 Pagine