Estratti del catalogo

4161321FGK 4161521FGK MODEL 410 Ø 13 ½” Ø 15” 4161321FG 4161521FG MODEL 410 Ø 13 ½” Ø 15 ½” Cerchio anatomico con pomello, razze piatte e tappo inox Stainless steel finger grips w. control knob, flat spokes and center cap Cerchio anatomico inox / razze piatte inox / tappo nero Stainless steel finger grips / stainless steel flat spokes / black center cap MODEL 410 MODEL 420 4161321FGBRL Ø 13” Cerchio anatom cubik legno / razze piatte inox / tappo nero Burl ring with finger grips / stainless steel flat spokes / black center cap MODEL 530 5322090 5322290 5322490 5332690 5332890 5333090 5333290 5333690 Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Per barche a vela / 6 razze inox / dado inox Sail boat wheel / 6 stainless steel spokes / stainless steel nut 20” 22” 24” 26” 28” 30” 32” 36” 4261321FG Ø 13 ½” Cerchio anatomico inox / razze piatte inox forate / tappo nero Stainless steel finger grips / flat spokes with holes / black center cap MODEL 710 7101321FG Ø 13” Cerchio anatomico inox, razze inox, dado inox Stainless steel finger grips / stainless steel spokes / stainless steel nut F
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MODEL 170 1731321FGK 1731521FGK Ø 13 ½” Ø 15 ½” DESTROYER 5 razze / cerchio anatomico con pomello / tappo inox Destroyer 5 spokes / finger grips with control knob / stainless steel cap MODEL 170 1731321FG 1731521FG Ø 13 ½” Ø 15 ½” DESTROYER 5 razze inox / cerchio anatomico inox / tappo nero DESTROYER 5 spokes / stainless steel finger grips / black center cap MODEL 170 1721321F2 1721521F2 Ø 13 ½” Ø 15 ½” DESTROYER 5 razze inox / cerchio schiumato / tappo nero DESTROYER 5 stainless steel spokes / foam grip / black center cap MODEL 150 1521111 1521611 1521811 1522011 1522211 1522411 1532811...
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MODEL 110 1122411 Ø 24” MODEL 120 DESTROYER 6 razze inox doppio cerchio / tappo nero Double ring stainless steel DESTROYER / black center cap MODEL 210 2111811 Ø 18” 1222411 Ø 24” DESTROYER 6 razze inox doppio cerchio / maniglie e tappo in legno Double ring stainless steel DESTROYER / pakkawood grips and cap MODEL 720 720131FGKBRL Ø 13” 5 razze inox / maniglie e tappo in legno 5 stainless steel spokes helmsmen wheel / brown pakkawood grips and cap Cerchio anatomico e pomello cubicato radica / razze curve e dado inox Burl ring with finger grips and control knob / stainless steel spokes and...
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Particolare Brevettato: CERCHIO ANATOMICO Patented part: FINGER GRIPS Diameters described in this catalogue correspond to following conversion table: Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø 33 = 330 mm = 13” 34,3 = 343 mm = 13 ½” 35,6 = 356 mm = 14” 38,1 = 381 mm = 15” 39,4 = 394 mm = 15 ½” 45,7 = 457 mm = 18” 50,8 = 508 mm = 20” Ø 61 = 610 mm = 24” OBA Tradizione Futura s.r.l. Via di Mezzo Levante, 1183 - 40014 Crevalcore (BO)-Italy Tel. +39-051-981262 (4 linee r.a.) Fax +39-051-980692 Internet: www.oba-srl.com E-mail: info@oba-srl.com OBA - L 08 Oct 2004
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 4Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche OBA Tradizione Futura
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Cataloghi archiviati
Steering wheel catalogue
14 Pagine